Steve Singer ssinger at
Mon Jul 11 06:26:48 PDT 2011
On 11-07-08 06:57 PM, Christopher Browne wrote:
> I have a would-be merge-in of the latest bug#218 changes under way;
> hopefully will complete that Monday.
> I ran thru the regression tests, and had a pretty mixed result, as follows:
> ->  % cat testResult.test.txt
> 1,17,test1
> 9,0,testdatestyles
> 7,20,testddl

testddl can fail due to EXECUTE SCRIPT race conditions. I remember you 
talking about an WIP patch to that issue for 2.2.  (this is putting the 
DDL in sl_log)

> 18,0,testdeadlockddl
> 13,0,testinherit
> 9,0,testinherit
> 7,28,testmergeset
> 15,0,testmultipaths
> 18,0,testmultiplemoves
> 16,0,testomitcopy
> 22,0,testschemanames
> 18,0,testseqnames
> 20,0,testtabnames
> 16,0,testutf8
> I suspect that the failures indicate something up with my changes, but
> that'll take some more poking around that won't be taking place today
> :-(.
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