Jan Wieck JanWieck at Yahoo.com
Fri Apr 26 07:22:50 PDT 2013
On 4/24/2013 4:01 AM, Manos Tsahakis wrote:
> Hello all,
> In our application we are enabling session_replication_role TO 'replica'
> in certain situations so that triggers will not fire in a table during
> DML operations. However, we observed that when setting
> session_replication_role TO 'replica' referential integrity constraints
> will not fire on a table either.
> A simple example is given bellow:
> dynacom=# create table parent (id serial primary key, name text not null);
> dynacom=# create table child (id serial primary key, name text not
> null,pid int NOT NULL REFERENCES parent(id) ON DELETE CASCADE);
> dynacom=# insert into parent (name) values ('test 1');
> INSERT 0 1
> dynacom=# insert into parent (name) values ('test 2');
> INSERT 0 1
> dynacom=# insert into child (name,pid) values ('test kid2',2);
> INSERT 0 1
> dynacom=# begin ;
> dynacom=# set session_replication_role TO 'replica';
> dynacom=# delete from parent where id=2;
> dynacom=# commit ;
> dynacom=# select * from child;
>   id |   name    | pid
> ----+-----------+-----
>    2 | test kid2 |   2
> (1 row)
> dynacom=# select * from parent;
>   id | name
> ----+------
> (0 rows)
> So we are a left, basically, with an inconsistent database.
> 1. 9.2 documentation
> (http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/sql-altertable.html) in
> the"DISABLE/ENABLE [ REPLICA | ALWAYS ] TRIGGER" section, makes a
> distinction between USER (non system-constraint related) and ALL
> triggers, but does not state that simply(??) enabled system (non-user)
> constraint triggers will not fire in case of session_replication_role =
> replica. Shouldn't non-user triggers *not* be affected by
> session_replication_role ?
> 2. Is there any way to just find the name of the FK constraint trigger
> and convert it to
> For the above test we used postgresql 9.2, currently we are running
> postgresql 9.0 in production.

You want to set the session_replication_role to LOCAL.

Eventually the docs should be a little clearer and eventually something 
is missing in the docs entirely.

The missing piece is probably that the Slony-I triggers explicitly check 
the session_replication_role. The log trigger does nothing if the 
setting isn't ORIGIN. The deny-access trigger only errors out if the 
setting is ORIGIN.

The poorly documented side effect of that is that if you set the role to 
LOCAL, all Slony triggers are effectively disabled while all user 
defined and integrity triggers will work like on a stand-alone database.


Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither
liberty nor security. -- Benjamin Franklin

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