Tory M Blue tmblue at
Thu Apr 25 11:29:10 PDT 2013
Postgres 9.2.4, slony 2.1.2 (ya will be pushing to 2.1.3), but with my
postgres upgrade had to keep slony version the same for the first go

But for  87,873,597 rows it took 3 hours to replicate over a gig link.
There were no signs of system health issues, iostat showed hardly anything,
no CPU/memory issues, so I'm wondering if there is some tuning that needs
to happen?

These are my master/slave so do have fsync on, maybe during a rebuild a
fsync off is in order, but not sure if that will truly help.

slon config is pretty basic

everything is default except for these values:


spotlightimpressions has  87,873,597 rows, took  12845.025 seconds
adimpressions has 1,542,169 rows, took  2098.679 seconds
listings has 4,080,091 rows . took 1491.740 seconds

2013-04-24 23:10:19 PDT CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: copy table

2013-04-24 23:10:19 PDT CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: Begin COPY of table

2013-04-24 23:35:10 PDT CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: 1491.740 seconds to
copy table "db"."listings"

2013-04-24 23:35:23 PDT CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: copy table

2013-04-24 23:35:23 PDT CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: Begin COPY of table

2013-04-25 03:09:28 PDT CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: 12845.025 seconds to
copy table "db"."spotlightimpressions"

2013-04-25 03:09:28 PDT CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: copy table

2013-04-25 03:09:28 PDT CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: Begin COPY of table

2013-04-25 03:44:26 PDT CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: 2098.679 seconds to
copy table "db"."adimpressions"

Where do I start looking? These tables will only grow and since upgrades
require full rebuilds etc, This is already painful, but will only get worse.

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