Wolf Schwurack wolf at uen.org
Fri May 11 18:42:38 PDT 2012
Not sure what I'm missing but I get this error when I try to run the slony
config. I'm running this at postgres. I ran the config earlier this week
and we had to stop slony. Try to run it today but fails

$ ./slony-conf.sh
<stdin>:21: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR load '$libdir/slony1_funcs';  - ERROR:
could not access file "$libdir/slony1_funcs": No such file or directory
<stdin>:21: Error: the extension for the Slony-I C functions cannot be
loaded in database 'dbname=canvas_db host=harv user=postgres'

It all looks correct but can't find slony1_funcs when running conf

$ find /opt/postgres -name slony1_funcs.so

$ pg_config --libdir

$ pg_config --pkglibdir

$ ll /opt/postgres/9.0.3-pgdg/lib/slony1_funcs.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 postgres postgres 39K Apr  9 14:28

      0___      Wolfgang Schwurack
     c/  /'_    SA/DBA - UEN
    (*)  \(*)   801-587-9444
                wolf at uen.org

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