Tory M Blue tmblue at
Thu Jul 12 22:38:57 PDT 2012
Thank you !!

Actually found it was tables that really shouldn't of been in there
and had at some point been removed, but they were still in the
sl_tables. A quick delete and things are back

Thanks for the rapid response!


On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 9:45 PM, Raghav <ragavendra.dba at> wrote:
>> So everything was fine, replicating etc and I restarted postgres and
>> now I've got these errors.
>> WARNING:  table [id,nsp,name]=[116,publishers,dcm] - sl_table does not
>> match pg_class/pg_namespace
>> WARNING:  table [id,nsp,name]=[117,reportlogs,dcm] - sl_table does not
>> match pg_class/pg_namespace
>> WARNING:  Mismatch found between sl_table and pg_class.  Slonik
>> command REPAIR CONFIG may be useful to rectify this.
> I believe these errors are after up-gradation. You can run the health_check
> function on the nodes and if error found, try to do REPAIR CONFIG as
> mentioned in logs.
> Health_check Function:
> --
> Regards
> Raghav
> Blog: htt://
>> This is postgres 9.1.4 and slony 2.1.1.
>> I don't know what could be wrong, seriously it was fully replicated
>> until I restarted postgres just a few minutes ago.
>> We did an upgrade a week or so back from 8.4 to 9.1, using slon, and
>> switchover from one host to this host worked flawless, but now, what
>> exactly is it saying?
>> Thanks
>> Tory
>> Fedora
>> Postgres_9.1.4
>> Slon.2.1.1

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