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8.120. slon_node_health_check()
Function Properties
Language: PLPGSQL
Return Type: boolean
called when slon starts up to validate that there are not problems with node configuration. Returns t if all is OK, f if there is a problem.declare prec record; all_ok boolean; begin all_ok := 't'::boolean; -- validate that all tables in sl_table have: -- sl_table agreeing with pg_class for prec in select tab_id, tab_relname, tab_nspname from sl_table t where not exists (select 1 from pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n where c.oid = t.tab_reloid and c.relname = t.tab_relname and c.relnamespace = n.oid and n.nspname = t.tab_nspname) loop all_ok := 'f'::boolean; raise warning 'table [id,nsp,name]=[%,%,%] - sl_table does not match pg_class/pg_namespace', prec.tab_id, prec.tab_relname, prec.tab_nspname; end loop; if not all_ok then raise warning 'Mismatch found between sl_table and pg_class. Slonik command REPAIR CONFIG may be useful to rectify this.'; end if; return all_ok; end