Dan Falconer lists_slony1-general at avsupport.com
Mon Aug 27 15:14:40 PDT 2007
On Monday 27 August 2007 16:36, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> Hold on,
> On Mon, Aug 27, 2007 at 04:30:29PM -0500, Dan Falconer wrote:
> > 2007-08-27 16:23:15 CDT DEBUG2 remoteWorkerThread_1: no sets need syncing
> > for this event
> It seems to think there's no work to do.  Something is up, but I'm
> boggled as to what.

As a note: on 2007-08-22 09:40:37 (during the time that inventories were being 
processed), there were 8115 SYNCs that were processed/queued.  The lines look 
like this::::

2007-08-22 09:40:37 CDT DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_2: queue event 2,68887 SYNC
2007-08-22 09:40:37 CDT DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_2: queue event 2,77001 SYNC

Could somebody tell me why what's causing it?
> A

Best Regards,

Dan Falconer
"Head Geek", Avsupport, Inc. / Partslogistics.com

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