Csaba Nagy nagy
Wed Nov 29 08:53:23 PST 2006
> Well, besides enterprisedb's replicator, there's also
> Daffodil Replicator out there:
> http://opensource.replicator.daffodilsw.com/what-is-replicator.html
> It got open source recently, however, i haven't tried it yet.
> Thought it's worth mentioning here...

It's GPL, which I'm not sure how business friendly is. Not to mention
that on this page:
they explain some differences between the OS version and the E
version... which would mean that we would likely need the E version.

Slony is already production ready for postgres to postgres replication,
and I thought it's experience could be used to create a production ready
async Oracle to postgres replication. The postgres to oracle part then
can follow if needed...


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