Vivek Khera vivek
Wed Nov 29 08:43:13 PST 2006
On Nov 29, 2006, at 8:56 AM, Csaba Nagy wrote:

> possible to port the slony functions so that it could be deployed  
> on an
> oracle master replicating on a postgres slave ? It would not be
> necessary for us to fully support oracle, just the master part.

At OSCON in July, Theo Schlossnagle of OmniTI described a project  
they had migrating from an Oracle data warehouse to one using  
Postgres, and they used trigger-based replication to migrate the  
data.  I'm sure he would have details on how to build the triggers  
for oracle to generate the delta log and how to make a program that  
read that log and wrote it into postgres.

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