Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Tue Nov 28 12:43:11 PST 2006
Vivek Khera wrote:
> Based on discussions in IRC earlier today, I'm posting this message to
> move along the process of moving the slony project to some more
> reliable infrastructure.
> The consensus has been reached on the following:
> 1) to accept Command Prompt's offer to provide a server
> 2) to keep the repository as CVS
> 3) migrate the mailman list+archives to this server
Agreeable to me; I'd like to consider moving to some other SCM,
preferably something inherently distributed, like
{Git|Mercurial|Darcs|Monotone} (where that's probably in decreasing
order of preference).
> I think it would be cool to make this box answer to
> rather than having that URL redirect to some
> other name.  This will help reduce confusion too, I think.
That can doubtless be arranged.
> Open items:
> 1) which issue/bug tracker?  the two options are: cvstrac (which gives
> us a free
>    wiki and source browser in the process) or piggy-back on CMD's
> bugzilla.
cvstrac has the regrettable demerit that it may discourage migrating to
another SCM later.  I'd prefer to have the independence provided by
using a separate tool.
> 2) if/how to migrate existing tickets (open tix only, or closed tix too)?
I think a fine arrangement would be to migrate, by hand, anything that's
still open, and set up, for posterity, some sort of "hall of (f|sh)ame"
report based on pulling what we can out of the old system.  Josh Drake
indicated that he could get access to the old data, as database; having
something that's read-only based on that would be slick.
> Also, can the CMD folks comment on what kind of timetable is
> reasonable to do the move?
As soon as a box is available, we should arrange to do a dry run, and
make sure that we've got enough services functioning to arrange for a
full cutover.

Jan has been pulling regular dumps of CVS from gBorg, and I'm pulling
copies from him, periodically, so we should be in a position to be able
to set up CVS and other services, make sure all is working, and then
update with a fresh dump before finalizing that the cutover is done.

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