cbbrowne at ca.afilias.info cbbrowne
Wed Nov 1 18:17:17 PST 2006
> Jeff Davis wrote:
>> It looks like slonyVersionPatchlevel() returns 0 on version 1.2.1 RC1.
>> This seems to prevent the slon daemon from starting.
> Patched, and I have added a note to check this in the release checklist.

FYI, this also adversely affected 1.1.6, which wasn't numbered 1.1.6
everywhere that it needed to be.

There's a better answer; I'm going to see tomorrow how many of the items
on the checklist can be Entirely Automated.

e.g. - from the 'home' directory for the build, I run:

bash tools/release_checklist.sh

and get some output to the effect:
- This is version 2.9.7, and that seems consistent in the places it needs
  to be

- Certain files (autoconf cache) are there and should be purged

- Certain files (*.c files corresponding to *.l / *.y files) are missing
and should be built

- Maybe: "need autoconf run"

There's probably more that would be useful; the more we can automate
concerning release management, the fewer boneheaded mistakes us humans
will make :-).

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