Jan Wieck JanWieck
Sat Jul 22 15:47:34 PDT 2006
On 7/22/2006 2:39 PM, Gavin Hamill wrote:

> On Sat, 22 Jul 2006 06:54:47 -0400
> Jan Wieck <JanWieck at Yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Please read carefully about EXECUTE SCRIPT and advise all DBA's (or 
>> whoever has the ability to execute DDL statements on your servers) that 
>> this can be as harmfull as just experienced.
> Ah OK - I'm sure I read "somewhere" that you could just execute ALTER TABLE on each node manually if needed. I shall update our DBA with this new knowledge :)

Was that "somewhere" in our documentation or was that "somewhere" in the 
MySQuirreL docs?


# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== JanWieck at Yahoo.com #

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