cbbrowne at ca.afilias.info cbbrowne
Tue Jul 5 03:42:47 PDT 2005
> Should turn with Win32 the operation of Slon is Services.
> It looks like pg_ctl, and it entails a kill signal. Therefore,
> I propose it as sl_ctl. Then, it thinks that it should be used
> in all the platforms. (don't kill -9 slon....)

That sounds like a most interesting idea, and I'd suggest that it's not
"just for Windows" (much as pg_ctl runs everywhere).

Amongst the useful features would include:

 - Using the option that specifies a PID file, thereby meaning you have
   a clear way of getting at the PID

 - Having an option to indicate that config should be stored in a
   "slon.conf" file

 - Control over logging...

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