Hannu Krosing hannu
Fri Apr 22 14:36:08 PDT 2005
On N, 2005-04-21 at 16:59 +0300, Andrei Bintintan wrote:
> Hi to all, 
> I'm digging hard to replicate postgre database with slony. I succeded
> do replicate some examples, but I'm facing some questions: in my
> scenario I have to replicate some tables (for ex: table1,
> table2 ...table10). 
> But on the slave machine I have to be able to write some data in the
> table1 and table2. The other tables can remain readonly. 

If you need only to do inserts in table1 , you could make a subtable for

create table table1_writable() inherits(table1);

and insert your data there.

then doing "select * from table1" will retrieve from both;

Hannu Krosing <hannu at skype.net>

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