Andrei Bintintan klodoma
Fri Apr 22 08:27:33 PDT 2005
> 2.  I can suggest an alternative...
> You could create tables alttable1 and alttable2, put them in a new set,
> and have them replicate from your "slave" machine to your "master"
> machine.  On the slave, those updates would go into alttable1/alttable2,
> and then some process on the "master" would take the changes and apply
> them to table1 and table2.
> That requires some application changes to use this "back link," for
> sure; it would NOT be transparent to the application.

Good point! I will try it....

Regards, Andy.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christopher Browne" <cbbrowne at>
To: "Andrei Bintintan" <klodoma at>
Cc: <slony1-general at>
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Slony1-general] Possible SLAVE to MASTER copy solution with 

> Andrei Bintintan wrote:
>> Hi to all,
>> I'm digging hard to replicate postgre database with slony. I succeded
>> do replicate some examples, but I'm facing some questions: in my
>> scenario I have to replicate some tables (for ex: table1, table2
>> ...table10).
>> But on the slave machine I have to be able to write some data in the
>> table1 and table2. The other tables can remain readonly.
>> Now, the questions are:
>> 1. is this possible??? (I hardly hope so)
>> 2. if YES (1) how is the procedure to can I resolve the ID conflicts
>> from Slave to Master.
> 1.  No, it's not possible.
> 2.  I can suggest an alternative...
> You could create tables alttable1 and alttable2, put them in a new set,
> and have them replicate from your "slave" machine to your "master"
> machine.  On the slave, those updates would go into alttable1/alttable2,
> and then some process on the "master" would take the changes and apply
> them to table1 and table2.
> That requires some application changes to use this "back link," for
> sure; it would NOT be transparent to the application.

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