Fri Apr 15 16:43:59 PDT 2005
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> In view of the recent changes to handling of quoting, I have added in > a new "ducttape" script, test_A_namequoting, which replicates the following > tables: > > > create schema ""; create table ""."user" ( id > integer, "user" text not null unique, > primary key (id) ); > > > create table ""."Capital Idea" ( "user" text, > description text, primary key("user") ); > > > create table public.evil_index_table ( id integer not null, name text not > null, "eViL StudlyCaps.column" text > ); > create unique index "user" on public.evil_index_table(id); > > The slonik used to handle it is thus: > > > include <$PREAMBLE_FILE>; try { create set (id = 1, origin = @origin, > comment = 'Set 1 - funky tables'); set add table (set id = 1, origin = > @origin, > id = 1, fully qualified name = 'public.evil_index_table', key = 'user', > comment = 'Table with evil index name'); set add table (set id = 1, origin > = @origin, > id = 2, fully qualified name = '"".user', comment = 'Table with > evil name - user, and a field called user'); set add table (set id = 1, > origin = @origin, id = 3, fully qualified name = '""."Capital > Idea"', > comment = 'Table with spaces in its name, caps, and a user field as PK'); } > on error { exit 1; } > > > If there are other reserved names or interesting quoting combinations > that you think I should try out, please let me know. -- Try this also: create table "test.23" ( "table" int unique ); As this creates a unique index with a dot in the name :)
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