Fri Apr 15 15:38:57 PDT 2005
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In view of the recent changes to handling of quoting, I have added in a new "ducttape" script, test_A_namequoting, which replicates the following tables: create schema ""; create table ""."user" ( id integer, "user" text not null unique, primary key (id) ); create table ""."Capital Idea" ( "user" text, description text, primary key("user") ); create table public.evil_index_table ( id integer not null, name text not null, "eViL StudlyCaps.column" text ); create unique index "user" on public.evil_index_table(id); The slonik used to handle it is thus: include <$PREAMBLE_FILE>; try { create set (id = 1, origin = @origin, comment = 'Set 1 - funky tables'); set add table (set id = 1, origin = @origin, id = 1, fully qualified name = 'public.evil_index_table', key = 'user', comment = 'Table with evil index name'); set add table (set id = 1, origin = @origin, id = 2, fully qualified name = '"".user', comment = 'Table with evil name - user, and a field called user'); set add table (set id = 1, origin = @origin, id = 3, fully qualified name = '""."Capital Idea"', comment = 'Table with spaces in its name, caps, and a user field as PK'); } on error { exit 1; } If there are other reserved names or interesting quoting combinations that you think I should try out, please let me know. -- (format nil "~S@~S" "cbbrowne" "") "The present need for security products far exceeds the number of individuals capable of designing secure systems. Consequently, industry has resorted to employing folks and purchasing "solutions" from vendors that shouldn't be let near a project involving securing a system." -- Lucky Green
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