Jeff threshar
Thu Jun 10 14:26:10 PDT 2004
On Jun 5, 2004, at 2:17 PM, Julian Scarfe wrote:

> Assuming I'm not missing a limitation of Slony-I, current or otherwise,
> could someone suggest a slonik setup for single master multiple slaves
> please?  I'm currently running on a single host with a single 
> postmaster.
> If nodes 2 and 3 are both slaves of node 1, what paths and listen 
> entries
> should I establish?

All nodes need paths and listen's for each other. This can get a bit 
tedious if you have a lot of slaves (Someday we'll have a tool to make 
it easy).  I run slony with 5 slaves and it does fine.

so if you have nodes 1,2,3
you need listens from 1-2, 1-3,  2-1,  2-3,  3-1,  3-2
and paths of the same.

Jeff Trout <jeff at>

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