Wed Jul 28 08:26:11 PDT 2004
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Hi all, Was looking at how to easily check which replication events are outstanding, in a way that works for multiple slaves. Came up with this bit of SQL (using the _slony_example schema): SELECT st.set_id AS set, ev.ev_seqno AS event_num, pa.pa_server AS source_node, pa.pa_client AS target_node, now()::timestamp - ev.ev_timestamp AS lag FROM _slony_example.sl_set st LEFT JOIN _slony_example.sl_event ev ON st.set_origin = ev.ev_origin LEFT OUTER JOIN _slony_example.sl_path pa ON ev.ev_origin = pa.pa_server LEFT OUTER JOIN _slony_example.sl_confirm cf ON ev.ev_seqno = cf.con_seqno WHERE cf.con_seqno IS NULL ORDER BY set, event_num, source_node, target_node; Seems to do the job. Thought it might be useful to add to the main Slony view(s), so created a patch against the latest CVS if its wanted Called the view "sl_outstandingevents". Regards and best wishes, Justin Clift *********** Index: slony1_base.sql =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/slony1/slony1-engine/src/backend/slony1_base.sql,v retrieving revision 1.13 diff -c -r1.13 slony1_base.sql *** slony1_base.sql 19 May 2004 19:38:28 -0000 1.13 --- slony1_base.sql 28 Jul 2004 08:19:10 -0000 *************** *** 267,273 **** "pg_catalog".pg_class PGC, "pg_catalog".pg_namespace PGN where S.set_id = SQ.seq_set and PGC.oid = SQ.seq_reloid and PGN.oid = PGC.relnamespace; ! -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_log_1 --- 267,291 ---- "pg_catalog".pg_class PGC, "pg_catalog".pg_namespace PGN where S.set_id = SQ.seq_set and PGC.oid = SQ.seq_reloid and PGN.oid = PGC.relnamespace; ! ! ! -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -- VIEW sl_outstandingevents ! -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! CREATE view @NAMESPACE at .sl_outstandingevents AS ! SELECT st.set_id AS set, ! ev.ev_seqno AS event_num, ! pa.pa_server AS source_node, ! pa.pa_client AS target_node, ! now()::timestamp - ev.ev_timestamp AS lag ! FROM @NAMESPACE at .sl_set st ! LEFT JOIN @NAMESPACE at .sl_event ev ON st.set_origin = ev.ev_origin ! LEFT OUTER JOIN @NAMESPACE at .sl_path pa ON ev.ev_origin = pa.pa_server ! LEFT OUTER JOIN @NAMESPACE at .sl_confirm cf ON ev.ev_seqno = cf.con_seqno ! WHERE cf.con_seqno IS NULL ! ORDER BY set, event_num, source_node, target_node; ! -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_log_1
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