Jan Wieck JanWieck
Wed Aug 25 18:06:48 PDT 2004
On 8/23/2004 8:27 PM, Justin Clift wrote:

> Jan Wieck wrote:
> <snip>
>> In principle, yes. The problem is that the downloads management of gborg 
>> is totally bogus. You can put things there, but you can't remove or 
>> update them. If you add the same file again, you have multiple entries.
> Ugh, that is indeed really broken. :(
>> Therefore I think it's better to have genpages with links.
> Agreed.
> What would be a good way of having the various Slony downloads all in 
> one place?

I would like that place to be slony.org. With the slony project homepage 
pointing to the current release and a more general "downloads entry 
point", where to find past and future stuff. How does that sound to you?


> i.e.
> Source packages
> ***************
> Slony-1.0.0 (not essential)
> Slony-1.0.1 (not essential)
> Slony-1.0.2
> Binaries
> ********
> Red Hat Enterprise Linux packages
> Slony-1.0.2-RHEL3.rpm
> Slony-1.0.2-RHEL3.srpm
> Red Hat Linux 9 packages
> Slony-1.0.2-RH9.rpm
> Slony-1.0.2-RH9.srpm
> FreeBSD packages
> Slony-1.0.2.tgz (not sure of the extension for FreeBSD packages)
> etc.
> Although Marc prob. wouldn't be in huge favour of it, how about making a 
> Slony project on SF.net, as it's toolset is pretty decent these days. 
> pgFoundry was supposed to be better than GBorg, but has fallen short and 
> I don't reckon it'll become scalable for months at least.  :(
> Regards and best wishes,
> Justin Clift
>> Jan
>>> Regards and best wishes,
>>> Justin Clift
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# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
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