Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Thu Aug 5 19:32:13 PDT 2004
I have just checked in the last few commented functions, and there is
now an "autodoc-generated" HTML file in the /doc/howto directory
reflecting both the Slony-I database schema and all of the pl/pgsql

I can't quite guarantee that all of the comments are of stunning
quality; that's a good place for there to be some further attention in

I expect that a further useful thing to do would be to augment
slonik_commands.html to cross-reference the procedures that stand
behind each Slonik command.  There is a unique <a
name="schemadoc.function.functionname-args"> reference beside each
procedure in schemadoc.html as something to point to; the "challenge"
is just of rummaging through the Slonik grammar to find the stored
procedure references.  I'll likely eventually do that if nobody else
finds Round Tuits...
Christopher Browne
(416) 673-4124 (land)

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