Thu Aug 5 19:32:13 PDT 2004
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I have just checked in the last few commented functions, and there is now an "autodoc-generated" HTML file in the /doc/howto directory reflecting both the Slony-I database schema and all of the pl/pgsql functions. I can't quite guarantee that all of the comments are of stunning quality; that's a good place for there to be some further attention in slony1_funcs.sql. I expect that a further useful thing to do would be to augment slonik_commands.html to cross-reference the procedures that stand behind each Slonik command. There is a unique <a name="schemadoc.function.functionname-args"> reference beside each procedure in schemadoc.html as something to point to; the "challenge" is just of rummaging through the Slonik grammar to find the stored procedure references. I'll likely eventually do that if nobody else finds Round Tuits... -- "cbbrowne","@","" <> Christopher Browne (416) 673-4124 (land)
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