Thomas Draband madcow
Wed Aug 4 11:51:32 PDT 2004
Victoria Parsons <Victoria.parsons at> wrote: 
> Hi,
> I was testing what happens when a network connection between master and
> slave is broken and I appear to have broken slony. Please help.
> On a fresh boot of both computers, no slony is automatically started and a
> check of processes shows that there is no slony running. I then try to start
> the replication as normal using "slon T12 dbname=usersdb" on each computer.
> The output file shows:
> FATAL localListenThread: Another slon daemon is serving this node already

in the system table pg_listener is an entry that says there is an process
running. You have to do a restart node an both servers befor starting slon
deamon. this clean up pg_listener.

restart node <node id>;

this can be done always starting a node between start of postgresql an slon.
> This is the same at both ends. The slony program is then locked up and
> cannot be killed with a normal kill signal - requires a kill -KILL. I'm
> guessing theres some kind of lock file that thinks the daemon is still
> running.
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Vicki Parsons
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