August 2010 Archives by author
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Starting: Wed Aug 4 05:17:41 PDT 2010
Ending: Sun Aug 15 11:10:05 PDT 2010
Messages: 8
- [Slony1-patches] bug 118 patch Christopher Browne
- [PATCH 1/3] Replace usage of alarm() for restarting slon with a KILL of the child and a sleep before restarting. Steve Singer
- [PATCH 3/3] If the nodelock can not be obtained then the worker will keep retrying instead of exiting. Bug # 132 discussses issues where slon can't restart because of a duplicate node lock. The watchdog instance of slon can kill the worker child and restart it. The issue is that postgresql backend for the old worker might still be around when the new worker tries to get the nodelock. Steve Singer
- [PATCH 2/3] Install the signal handlers after the fork. sighandler is intended to be used by the watchdog instance not the worker Steve Singer
- [Slony1-patches] bug 139 + bug 132 Steve Singer
- [PATCH 4/4] Bug 136 When a forwarding node goes away a dba might issue a subscribe set to reshape the cluster so the receiver gets the data from a different provider. It could be the case that the receiver never sees the SUBSCRIBE_SET event because it is only listening on events from the origin from the forwarder that has gone away. Steve Singer
- [Slony1-patches] bug 136 patches Steve Singer
- [Slony1-patches] bug 136 patches Jan Wieck
Last message date:
Sun Aug 15 11:10:05 PDT 2010
Archived on: Sun Aug 15 12:20:49 PDT 2010
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