David TECHER davidtecher at yahoo.fr
Sat Feb 25 17:56:59 PST 2012

I use Slony 1.2.22

Replication: 1 master and 3 slaves.

We are used to update our Production Database every 2 or 3 months.

Updating Production Database 

- is done on a week-end. There is no connexion from client (rejected) only master and all slaves

can connect each other.

- implies to use DDL query on tables (alter table add ....and so on).

For the moment and for each update, we are used to build replication from scratch.
I know it is not a good way.

"Slony command DDL"  can not be used because it will take to much time and we've got a lot of replicated tables.
I am afraid that window of week-end will be not enough.

For the next update, what I would like to suggest to my team  ( and we will have the intention to test if I can convice them) is 

1)  removing all tables - to be altered -  from replication using set drop table(origin=??,id=??)

2) apply all DDL queries to the future altered table ( usual way : psql ....database)

3)  back all altered tables to replication :
         - create set (...)
         - set add table(...) to new set
        - merge set (new set to the old set associated to the altered table).

Can we do that? 

There is no concurrent activity and we've got the window of the week-end.

Thanks for your reply.
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