David TECHER davidtecher at yahoo.fr
Wed Apr 4 08:40:03 PDT 2012

Using a query taken from 


I've got (the 10 first lines)

biopacs_production=#  select                                                                                                                                                                                                                      pg_class.relname,pg_locks.transactionid, pg_locks.mode,                                                                                                                                                                                      substr(pg_stat_activity.current_query,1,30),
 pg_stat_activity.query_start,                                                                                                                                                                   age(now(),pg_stat_activity.query_start) as "age", pg_stat_activity.procpid                                                                                                                                                                 from pg_stat_activity,pg_locks
 left                                                                                                                                                                                                            outer join pg_class on (pg_locks.relation = pg_class.oid)                                                                                                                                                                                  where pg_locks.pid=pg_stat_activity.procpid order by query_start limit 10;
                         relname                         | transactionid |      mode       |             substr             |           query_start            |     age     | procpid
 AuditTimePoint_ID_seq                                   |               | AccessShareLock | select "_biocluster".createEve | 04-APR-12 11:38:11.809813 -04:00 | @ 0.97 secs |   25021
 AuditDegradedImage_ID_seq                               |               | AccessShareLock | select "_biocluster".createEve | 04-APR-12 11:38:11.809813 -04:00 | @ 0.97 secs |   25021
 Screenshot_ScreenshotID_seq                             |               | AccessShareLock | select "_biocluster".createEve | 04-APR-12 11:38:11.809813 -04:00 | @ 0.97 secs |   25021
 QuestionRule_QuestionRuleID_seq                         |               | AccessShareLock | select "_biocluster".createEve | 04-APR-12 11:38:11.809813 -04:00 | @ 0.97 secs |   25021
 AuditAllocationStatus_ID_seq                            |               | AccessShareLock | select "_biocluster".createEve | 04-APR-12 11:38:11.809813 -04:00 | @ 0.97 secs |   25021
 AuditQCCheckList_ID_seq                                 |               | AccessShareLock | select "_biocluster".createEve | 04-APR-12 11:38:11.809813 -04:00 | @ 0.97 secs |   25021
 QueueItemType_QueueItemTypeID_seq                       |               | AccessShareLock | select "_biocluster".createEve | 04-APR-12 11:38:11.809813 -04:00 | @ 0.97 secs |   25021
 AuditInstitutionType_ID_seq                             |               | AccessShareLock | select "_biocluster".createEve | 04-APR-12 11:38:11.809813 -04:00 | @ 0.97 secs |   25021
 AuditExportPublishTables_AuditExportPublishTablesID_seq |               | AccessShareLock | select "_biocluster".createEve | 04-APR-12 11:38:11.809813 -04:00 | @ 0.97 secs |   25021
 AuditCheckParameterRule_ExpectedProtocolSequence_ID_seq |               | AccessShareLock | select "_biocluster".createEve | 04-APR-12 11:38:11.809813 -04:00 | @ 0.97 secs |   25021
(10 rows)

Please let me understand

 De : Steve Singer <ssinger at ca.afilias.info>
À : David TECHER <davidtecher at yahoo.fr> 
Cc : Slony Hackers <slony1-hackers at lists.slony.info> 
Envoyé le : Mercredi 4 avril 2012 17h25
Objet : Re: [Slony1-hackers] CreateEvent and Lokcs on replicated objects
On 12-04-04 06:25 AM, David TECHER wrote:
> Hi

I can't think of an obvious reason why a generic SYNC event would get a 
lock on all of your tables. I don't think the SYNC event looks at 
replicated tables .

What transactions are holding the locks?  You should be able to see this 
in your pg_locks output (joining back to pg_class to get the tablenames 
from the oids)

> I am using Slony 1.2.22
> I've noticed that when a CreateEvent occurs
> biopacs_production=# select * from pg_stat_activity where procpid=25021;
> datid | datname | procpid | usesysid | usename | current_query | waiting
> | query_start | backend_start | client_addr | client_port
> -------+--------------------+---------+----------+--------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+---------+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------------+-------------
> 16387 | biopacs_production | 25021 | 10 | enterprisedb | select
> "_biocluster".createEvent('_biocluster', 'SYNC', NULL); | f | 04-APR-12
> 06:22:24.804654 -04:00 | 01-APR-12 06:53:33.363283 -04:00 | |
> 42050
> (1 row)
> Then by querying pg_locks I've noticed that there is a 'AccessSharelock'
> on all replicated objects (tables and sequences).
> It is normal?
> Since our database used intensive CPU (high load) I asked myself if it
> could explained my issue.
> Thanks for letting me know.
> Kind regards.
> David.
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