Mon Oct 18 16:27:31 PDT 2010
- Previous message: [Slony1-hackers] Documentation patch: "Best Practices": Do not dump the slony schemas, or else replication lag can increase during pg_dump.
- Next message: [Slony1-hackers] Abnormal <event pending> in sl_path just after configure one slave.
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Hi. Ran into this scenario: replication lag increases from seconds to minutes (or tens of minutes) while doing a pg_dump of the entire database on the slave. Per Steve Singer's suggestion I excluded the slony schemas from the pg_dump and replication lag stayed within normal paramaters. May I offer an addition to the "Best Practices" page for both 1.2 and 2.0 documentation sets: If you pg_dump your database from your Slony slave, avoid dumping your Slony schemas or else pg_dump's locking will compete with Slony's own locking which will slow down Slony replication for the duration of the pg_dump. Exclude the Slony schemas from pg_dump either using "-n public" to dump the default schema only (assuming all your data is there), or, if you use multiple schemas, use pg_dump --exclude-schema=schemaname to specifically exclude your Slony schemas by name. Best, Aleksey
- Previous message: [Slony1-hackers] Documentation patch: "Best Practices": Do not dump the slony schemas, or else replication lag can increase during pg_dump.
- Next message: [Slony1-hackers] Abnormal <event pending> in sl_path just after configure one slave.
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