Jan Wieck JanWieck at Yahoo.com
Wed May 19 22:00:19 PDT 2010
On 5/20/2010 10:48 AM, Cyril Scetbon wrote:
> But this is a receiver and I saw in the code of  function 
> generate_sync_event that it does not generate sync interval on a node 
> which is not the origin of a set. That's why I presume there is no sync 
> created except the one created at startup (mandatory) in syncThread_main :

 From the CVS log:

> ----------------------------
> revision 1.19
> date: 2007-03-14 15:59:32 +0000;  author: cbbrowne;  state: Exp;  lines: +20 -6;
> Reduce the quantity of spurious events generated:
> 1.  generate_sync_event() only needs to generate a SYNC on a node
>     that is the origin for a set
> 2.  sync thread generates a SYNC when it starts; in later iterations,
>     it will only generate a SYNC for its node if that node is the origin
>     for a replication set
> Per discussions with Jan Wieck on 2007-02-09; this seemed an experiment
> worth trying.  I tried it, and the tests run fine, so I'm committing this.
> ----------------------------

Seems we finally found a reason why this isn't such a good idea after 
all. Question now is do we want to revert back to the default, where 
slon's of pure receivers create useless SYNC events or not?


Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither
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