[Slony1-general] Future of slony.info

Steve Singer steve at ssinger.info
Mon Mar 11 02:08:32 UTC 2024

A while back I was talking to Jan about what our plans should be for 

The user base and use-cases for slony been replaced with options built 
around the built in replication/decoding features and these are present in 
all non EOL versions of PG.

The only updates to slony in the past 4-6 years have been minimal/trivial.

Should we declare the project finished and work towards shutting down the 
mailing lists and website?

The source code is already hosted at 
http://git.postgresql.org/git/slony1-engine.git with mirrors on github

I would guess that slony is mostly used to help migrate off out of support 
versions of PG.

Unless someone objects we are thinking of shutting down the mailing lists 
and bugzilla, update the website to say this and that the project is moving to 
an archive phase.



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