Mon Oct 7 08:50:40 PDT 2019
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Hello! We use slony 2.1.4 and will be forced to this version for some more time. Today I debugged an issue where the logswitching did not finish. Although it would be safe (in my opinion) to truncate the old log table, the logswitch_finish() fails with: could not lock sl_log_2 - sl_log_2 not truncated The function tries to lock the sl_log table with: begin; lock table "_regdnscluster".sl_log_2 in access exclusive mode nowait; The problem seems, that the table is so hot in reading (55 slaves) that the lock hardly succeeds. If I call logswitch_finish() manually (because the cleanup thread tries only every 10 minutes - hard coded) I need to call it approx 100 times until I get the lock. Is there a reason to use "nowait"? As far as I understand, it should be safe to wait some time until giving up, i.e.: SET lock_timeout TO '10s'; begin; lock table "_regdnscluster".sl_log_2 in access exclusive mode; This way, log switching can happen more often. Thanks Klaus
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