Granthana Biswas granthana.biswas at
Thu Oct 30 01:59:52 PDT 2014
Hi All,

My replication setup is as  db1 -> db2 -> db3.

On adding a new set to the cluster, the merge from node 3 is going on
waiting state for node 3 to subscribe. Because of this, node 3 is lagging

These are the slonik commands that I used to add new set, subscribe and
create set ( id = 2, origin = 1, comment = 'replication set for surcharge

set add table (set id = 2, origin = 1, id = 1744, fully qualified name =
'public.t2', comment = 't2 table');
set add sequence (set id = 2, origin = 1, id = 1756, fully qualified name =
'public.s2', comment = 's2 sequence');

subscribe set ( id = 2, provider = 1, receiver = 2, forward = yes );
subscribe set ( id = 2, provider = 2, receiver = 3, forward = yes );

merge set ( id = 1, add id = 2, origin = 1);

Even though it goes it waiting mode, the sl_subscribe table shows the

 sub_set | sub_provider | sub_receiver | sub_forward | sub_active
       1 |            1 |            2 | t           | t
       1 |            2 |            3 | t           | t
       2 |            1 |            2 | t           | t
       2 |            2 |            3 | t           | t

But the slony log on node 3 shows the following repeatedly:

NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock entry for pid=29117
NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock entry for pid=30115
NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock entry for pid=30116
NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock entry for pid=30414
NOTICE:  Slony-I: Logswitch to sl_log_2 initiated
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT  "_cluster".logswitch_start()"
PL/pgSQL function "cleanupevent" line 96 at PERFORM
NOTICE:  truncate of <NULL> failed - doing delete
NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock entry for pid=31364
NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock entry for pid=31369
NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock entry for pid=31368
NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock entry for pid=32300
NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock entry for pid=1117
NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock entry for pid=1149
NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock entry for pid=1186
NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock entry for pid=1247
NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock entry for pid=1270
NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock entry for pid=1294

It is continuously trying to cleanup stale nodelock entry for nl_nodeid=3
and nl_conncnt=0.

I tried stopping and starting the slon process for node 3 which didn't
help. I don't see any errors in the other slony log files.

Do I have to stop all slon processes of all nodes and start again?

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