Sun Aug 3 08:13:49 PDT 2014
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Excerpts from Christopher Browne's message of 2014-08-01 18:52:58 +0200: > I should expect that there'd be more in the log than that. > > What you are showing seems perfectly appropriate; what I imagine is missing > is that at the end, something is going wrong, the set is treated as NOT > having subscribed successfully, and it (correctly, generally speaking) > tries again a bit later. > > Unfortunately, the "something going wrong" is some persistent problem, so > the subscriptions to tables never succeed. > > There should surely be more in the log. > […] You have right, there is indeed an error message is the log… I haven't seen it before because of a to high debug level and a huge amount of tables and sequences in the set. 2014-08-03 16:17:52 CEST CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: copy table "public"."selectiondeproduit_produit_map" 2014-08-03 16:17:53 CEST ERROR remoteWorkerThread_1: "lock table "_replication".sl_config_lock;select "_replication".setAddTable_int(1, 170, '"public"."selectiondeproduit_produit_map"', 'selectiondeproduit_produit_map_idx', 'Table public.selectiondeproduit_produit_map with primary key'); " PGRES_FATAL_ERROR ERROR: Slony-I: setAddTable_int(): table "public"."selectiondeproduit_produit_map" has no index selectiondeproduit_produit_map_idx The index of selectiondeproduit_produit_map has apparently been renamed on node1 but Slony was not been notified about this change and the old name is still present in sl_tables table. I going to fix that. Thanks for your help about this straightforward problem! -- Romain Dessort <rdessort at> GnuPG: 3072D/724BC532 Evolix − Hébergement et Infogérance Open Source
- Previous message: [Slony1-general] Initial sync copies tables infinitely
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