Christopher Browne cbbrowne at
Tue Apr 15 07:57:37 PDT 2014
I understand that Yahoo has implemented a DMARC policy that makes
third-party servers reject mailing list traffic using Yahoo-based addresses
as forged.

Here is an announcement of a "block Yahoo users" policy just implemented by
another free software project (
which seems to sum the issue up briefly but accurately.

FYI, we do have a number of Yahoo users on the Slony lists, and their
receiving mail from the lists is not a problem.  Unfortunately, posting to
these lists will cause problems, so I imagine we'll need to do a similar
blocking of Yahoo addresses.

Yahoo users that have an opinion should send comments directly to me
off-list, as, due to the DMARC policy, forwarding of their opinions via the
lists probably won't work out :-(.

Doubtless we'll have a more definitive declaration soon.  (I observe that
Jan Wieck has moved his mail to a new domain over this :-) )
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