Mon Sep 9 13:37:03 PDT 2013
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The Slony team is pleased to announce the first official release of version 2.2 of the Slony replication engine. Slony 2.2.0 adds the following major features to Slony 2.1.x * Slony now uses the COPY command for replicating data between providers and subscribers. This will result in faster replication times and more efficient resource utilization on the replica for many workloads * The FAILOVER command has been made more reliable for complex cluster configurations. The FAILOVER command now supports the failure of multiple nodes at the same time. All users of the FAILOVER should read the documentation to familiarize themselves with these changes * Multiple versions of slony can now be installed under the same PostgreSQL cluster. The Slony shared libraries, functions and .sql files are now versioned to support this A full list of changes can be found in the release notes at;a=blob_plain;f=RELEASE;hb=52e6127d264662997e69bf0d07f947aebf4c7c61 You can download Slony 2.2.0 at
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