Robert Wysocki robert.wysocki at
Mon Jul 22 02:15:52 PDT 2013

After upgrading test environment to slony 2.1.2 from slony 2.0.7 I
noticed, that previously flawless procedure done many times with EXECUTE
SCRIPT like:

INSERT INTO audit VALUES ('new table');

now fails with "duplicated primary key" error on slave nodes.

How should this be done with slony > 2.1.2? I would like to avoid
splitting it into DDL done with EXECUTE SCRIPT and DML done with psql.

Robert Wysocki
administrator systemów linuksowych
administrator baz danych
Grupa Unity | ul. Przedmiejska 6-10, 54-201 Wrocław
ul. Conrada 55B, 31-357 Kraków | ul. Złota 59, 00-120 Warszawa

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