Jan Wieck JanWieck at Yahoo.com
Sat May 5 07:14:16 PDT 2012
On 5/2/2012 5:39 PM, Steve Singer wrote:

> Jan was able to reproduce a very similar type of file where two
> processes were writing to the same file in "w' mode (like slony does).

Some more details about that:

The log file I have seen contains an OK but empty archive log at the 
beginning. All the usual content but just no data. Then follow ASCII NUL 
bytes up to exactly 32K, followed by some log data starting in the 
middle of a statement but not properly terminated by the final commit 
and vacuum statements.

The way I can create a file with a similar pattern is as follows:

proc1: FILE *fp = fopen("file", "w");
proc1: fprintf(fp, "data from proc1\n"); // continue doing that until
                                          // over 32K written

proc2: FILE *fp = fopen("file", "w");
proc2: fprintf(fp, "data from proc2\n");
proc2: fclose(fp);

proc1: fprintf(fp, "data from proc1\n");
proc1: fclose(fp);

What happens here is that both processes use fprintf(), like slon, and 
fprintf uses an internal buffer of 32K. When proc1 has written over 32K, 
the buffer had been flushed and the underlying file descriptor's lseek 
position is at 32K.

Now comes proc2 and opens the file also for writing. The underlying file 
descriptor is created with O_CREAT only, which means that the file gets 
truncated. proc2 writes its stuff and closes the file.

When proc1 finally closes the file it flushes its second buffer. Since 
the file was not opened in append mode, the truncate that happened in 
the meantime does not affect the lseek position in its file descriptor, 
so it writes that buffer at the 32K position and the OS fills in the 
void with NUL bytes.

I have attached a small patch against 2.0 that changes the opening of 
the temporary archive file to use O_CREAT|O_EXCL and then fdopen(3). 
This would cause proc2 above to fail with an error because the file 
already exists. This will tell you in the slon logs which slon is 
actually doing this.


Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither
liberty nor security. -- Benjamin Franklin
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