Raghav ragavendra.dba at gmail.com
Fri Jun 15 07:05:36 PDT 2012
> tools/slony1_dump.sh should create this table on the log shipping
> destination.  This script dumps the data from the replica running slon in
> log shipping mode and restores it + some extra functions/tables to on the
> destination/target node.
> Thank you very much Steve for reply.

I followed the below process,

1. Start slon process with Log enabling ( slon -a option)
2. Execute the tools/slony1_dump.sh
     sh tools/slony1_dump.sh  <subscriber_dbname>  <clustername>

After above two steps, still I won't see any table created under
_myrep(slony schema). Create Table/function etc., everything shown on
terminal but not created in slonyschema.  Correct me if anything wrong in
my steps.

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