Sun Jul 8 23:21:14 PDT 2012
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Anyone seen something like this before? 2012-07-09 04:48:59 UTC[4137] ERROR remoteWorkerThread_1: "select "_sl".finishTableAfterCopy(20); analyze "public"."reviewsapp_review"; " PGRES_FATAL_ERROR ERROR: could not determine which collation to use for string comparison HINT: Use the COLLATE clause to set the collation explicitly. CONTEXT: SQL statement "reindex table "public"."reviewsapp_review"" PL/pgSQL function "finishtableaftercopy" line 27 at EXECUTE statement I'm replicating an 8.4 master to a 9.1 slave as part of an upgrade. The only thing unusual about this table I can see is the column using the debversion type, but we have successfully done the 8.4 -> 9.1 replication with other databases using that type before. Table "public.reviewsapp_review" Column | Type | Modifiers --------------------------+--------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- id | integer | not null default nextval('reviewsapp_review_id_seq'::regclass) softwareitem_id | integer | not null version | debversion | not null architecture_id | integer | not null repository_id | integer | not null reviewer_id | integer | not null date_created | timestamp with time zone | not null default '2010-12-09 20:47:18.910573+00'::timestamp with time zone rating | integer | not null summary | character varying(80) | not null review_text | character varying(5000) | not null language | character varying(10) | not null hide | boolean | not null default false usefulness_total | integer | not null default 0 usefulness_favorable | integer | not null default 0 usefulness_percentage | integer | not null default 0 app_name | character varying(100) | not null default ''::character varying date_deleted | timestamp with time zone | usefulness_wilson_rating | double precision | not null default 0.0 Indexes: "reviewsapp_review_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) "reviewsapp_review_architecture_id" btree (architecture_id) "reviewsapp_review_hide" btree (hide) "reviewsapp_review_language" btree (language) "reviewsapp_review_repository_id" btree (repository_id) "reviewsapp_review_reviewer_id" btree (reviewer_id) "reviewsapp_review_softwareitem_id" btree (softwareitem_id) "reviewsapp_review_version" btree (version) Foreign-key constraints: "architecture_id_refs_id_3635e112ecae648a" FOREIGN KEY (architecture_id) REFERENCES reviewsapp_architecture(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "repository_id_refs_id_2f7062e6db353aa7" FOREIGN KEY (repository_id) REFERENCES reviewsapp_repository(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "reviewer_id_refs_id_28b87f276a073e1e" FOREIGN KEY (reviewer_id) REFERENCES auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "softwareitem_id_refs_id_677a12388e4ffc27" FOREIGN KEY (softwareitem_id) REFERENCES reviewsapp_softwareitem(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED Referenced by: TABLE "reviewsapp_usefulness" CONSTRAINT "review_id_refs_id_286d40f88d5acdc" FOREIGN KEY (review_id) REFERENCES reviewsapp_review(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED TABLE "reviewsapp_reviewmoderation" CONSTRAINT "review_id_refs_id_6bfc7f3d50ef538b" FOREIGN KEY (review_id) REFERENCES reviewsapp_review(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED -- Stuart Bishop <stuart at>
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