Efraín Déctor efraindector at motumweb.com
Mon Jul 2 11:49:44 PDT 2012
Hello. I’m testin Slony, everything is running fine in terms of replication, however I’m trying to test adding a column to a table that is beaing replicated.

I’m using altperl, so using the documentation I see that using slonik_execute_script should help me to create the new column.

This is how I am using it: 

slonik_execute_script 1 /root/script.sql

After I execute the script this message is shown:

cluster name = replication;
node 1 admin conninfo='host= dbname=nomina user=pgsql port=5432';
node 2 admin conninfo='host= dbname=nomina user=pgsql port=5432;
  execute script (
    set id = 1,
    filename = '/tmp/EpbvGiNpWb',
    event node = 1

script.sql contains:  ALTER TABLE personas ADD COLUMN prueba integer;

However, nothing happens on the master or slave. 

Could you please, tell me what Im doing wrong?.

Thank you in advance.
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