"Stéphane A. Schildknecht" stephane.schildknecht at postgresql.fr
Mon Feb 27 06:10:10 PST 2012
Le 21/02/2012 17:41, NewToSlony a écrit :
> Trying to run the example slony config script in the documentation but
> getting the following error:
> postgres$ /tmp/slonik_example.sh
> <stdin>:8: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR load '$libdir/slony1_funcs';  - ERROR:  could
> not access file "$libdir/slony1_funcs": No such file or directory
> <stdin>:8: Error: the extension for the Slony-I C functions cannot be loaded
> in database 'dbname=my_primary host=localhost user=warfish
> password=coalitions'
> Yet the LIBDIR variable is set correctly:
> postgres$ ./pg_config
> BINDIR = /opt/local/lib/postgresql90/bin
> DOCDIR = /opt/local/share/doc/postgresql
> HTMLDIR = /opt/local/share/doc/postgresql
> INCLUDEDIR = /opt/local/include/postgresql90
> PKGINCLUDEDIR = /opt/local/include/postgresql90
> INCLUDEDIR-SERVER = /opt/local/include/postgresql90/server
> LIBDIR = /opt/local/lib/postgresql90
> And the lib is present:
> ls -l /opt/local/lib/postgresql90/slony1_funcs.so
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  admin  34944 Feb 17 16:20
> /opt/local/lib/postgresql90/slony1_funcs.so

Could it be a permission problem on the libraries, as they seem to be property
of root?

Stéphane Schildknecht
Contact régional PostgreSQL

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