Efraín Déctor efraindector at motumweb.com
Wed Feb 15 11:28:59 PST 2012
Hello list:

My name is Efrain and this week I’ve been using Slony-I, with the help of the documentation I’ve been able to setup replication between 2 nodes using slonik scripts and also with altperl scripts. For me, using altperl scritps is more comfortable but now I’m stucked trying to set cascading replication. I have this in mind:

    A1 –> B1 –> B2

Meaning that A1 would be the master to B1 but also B1 would be master of B2. My slon_tools.conf looks like this:

add_node(node     => 1,
         host     => '',
         dbname   => 'prueba',
         port     => 5432,
         user     => 'postgres',
         password => '1');

add_node(node     => 2,
         host     => '',
         dbname   => 'prueba',
         port     => 5432,
         noforward => allow,
         user     => 'pgsql',
         password => '2');

add_node(node     => 3,
         parent   => 2,
         host     => '',
         dbname   => 'prueba',
         port     => 5432,
         user     => 'pgsql',
         password => '3');

I understand that B1 shall be configured to accept forward but I don’t now how to do this.

Any help would be really appreciated.

Thank you.
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