Steve Singer ssinger at
Thu Feb 2 17:00:25 PST 2012
The Slony-I team is pleased to announce the release of Slony-I 2.1.1
a bug fix release for the 2.1 stream. and Slony-I 1.2.23 a bug fix 
release in the 1.2 stream.


- Bug #260 :: Fixed issue when with FAILOVER command when the failed 
node has multiple sets.

- Bug #246 :: Include path order changes
- Bug #161 :: fix memory overrun in EXECUTE SCRIPT parser
- Bug #247 :: slony_logshipper to handle TRUNCATE commands
- Bug #249 :: Add parentheses to txid_current() in function for
               TRUNCATE logging
- slonik_drop_table and slonik_drop_sequence no longer attempt to
   return -1 on an error (invalid as a slonik exit code in 2.1)
- Bug #244 :: The CREATE SET command now requires a set id to be specified.
- Bug #255 :: Fix serialization conflict issues when using PostgreSQL 9.1.
- Bug #256 :: set_conf_option() has an extra elevel parameter on PG 9.2
- Bug #259 :: Fix TRUNCATE logging so it works with mixed case slony 

- Bug #195 - make slon_quote_* functions immutable
- Bug #209 - dollar quoting doesn't work on PG 7.4
- Bug #224 - PKEYEDTABLES misspelled in altperl script
- Bug #236 - fix misformatting of log string for timestamp
- Bug #239 - Fix FAILOVER on PG 9.0 by not querying pg_listener

Unless additional maintainers from the community step up 1.2.23 is 
likely to be the last 1.2.x release.

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