Richard Yen dba at
Wed May 11 15:23:12 PDT 2011
Steve, I've also noticed something even more bizarre.

Fortunately, I have log_shipping set up on a third subscriber, and grepping
through the files, I find the following:

[root at asp-dbr1 log_staging]# for i in `ls`; do grep -Hn cron_lock $i; done
slony1_log_3_00000000000011179582.sql:13:insert into "public"."cron_lock"
("id","lock_until_time") values ('anonymous_marking','2011-05-11
slony1_log_3_00000000000011180903.sql:13:insert into "public"."cron_lock"
("id","lock_until_time") values ('anonymous_marking','2011-05-11
slony1_log_3_00000000000011181730.sql:13:insert into "public"."cron_lock"
("id","lock_until_time") values ('anonymous_marking','2011-05-11
slony1_log_3_00000000000011182005.sql:13:insert into "public"."cron_lock"
("id","lock_until_time") values ('anonymous_marking','2011-05-11
slony1_log_3_00000000000011182466.sql:13:insert into "public"."cron_lock"
("id","lock_until_time") values ('anonymous_marking','2011-05-11
slony1_log_3_00000000000011183270.sql:13:insert into "public"."cron_lock"
("id","lock_until_time") values ('anonymous_marking','2011-05-11

[root at asp-dbr1 log_staging]# diff slony1_log_3_00000000000011179582.sql
< select "_sac_uk".archiveTracking_offline('11179582', '2011-05-11
> select "_sac_uk".archiveTracking_offline('11180903', '2011-05-11

It seems that something has gone horribly wrong with replication such that
it's beginning to even replay events.

Does this look like an issue you may already be aware of?

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 2:43 PM, Richard Yen <dba at> wrote:

> On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 2:26 PM, Steve Singer <ssinger at>wrote:
>> On 11-05-11 04:29 PM, Richard Yen wrote:
>>> Thanks Steve.  I've put the dumps for the master and my two slaves at
>> As Jan suspected there isn't really anything still left in the logs about
>> events from before the failed insert.
>> When should the row have been deleted from cron_lock? immediately before
>> or sometime before?
> The cron runs every hour, so there should have been a DELETE  at 10:40AM,
> just milliseconds before the INSERT.
>> Did anything else happen around this time? (server restarts, moving
>> masters etc?)
> No, we didn't do anything during this time.  The previous action I
> performed on this cluster was at 10:04AM, which was to INSERT a row into
> another table in the database.  The sync_interval I have is 500ms, so I'm
> fairly confident that this would have been processed long before the
> offending INSERT to cron_lock arrived at 10:40AM.  The oldest entry in
> sl_even right now is '2011-05-11 10:40:02.354653'
> If we can't get any more clues, I'll go ahead an process the DELETE.
>  Thanks again for your help in trying to get to the bottom of this.
> --Richard
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