Aleksey Tsalolikhin at
Sat Jun 25 10:43:47 PDT 2011
Hi.  I've been using Slony for a couple of years, and it's been working great;
but we've just started using triggers in our application, and when I manually
added the trigger on the subscriber side, next time I tried to recreate the
data set, it wouldn't go due to multiple triggers issue.  So how do I replicate
triggers, please?


This is the issue I ran into after manually adding the trigger on the

NOTICE: Slony-I: alterTableForReplication(): multiple instances of
trigger % on table %'',

This normally happens if you have a table that had a trigger attached
to it that replication hid due to this being a subscriber node, and
then you added a trigger by the same name back to replication. Now,
when trying to "fix up" triggers, those two triggers conflict.

The DDL script will keep running and rerunning, or the UNINSTALL NODE
will keep failing, until you drop the "visible" trigger, by hand, much
as you must have added it, by hand, earlier.

ERROR: Slony-I: Unable to disable triggers

This is the error that follows the "multiple triggers" problem.

Should I have added the trigger to replication using slonik?  If so,
how, please?  I looked
on the web site but did not find the answer.

I am using slony1-1.2.21


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