francescoboccacci at francescoboccacci at
Tue Jun 21 10:35:44 PDT 2011
Hi to all,
i have a question for you about subscribe problem.I try to explain ho work my 
database cluster.
I have a database with 10 tables with IP: (this is the matser) 
and another database with only three tables with IP: (slave).
My goal is to replicate only the three tables of the master.So the tables in 
the slave have the same data that are inide the master database ( i used pg_dum 
and pg_restore command with only data option).
I create a cluster script into the server of master database and i run it. No 
I start slon process in both server and i specified the same cluster name. No 
After i create a subscribe script into master database and i run it. Problem:

CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT  "_sql_master_slave".subscribeSet_int( $1 ,  
$2 ,  $3 , 
$4 ,  $5 )"
    PL/pgSQL function "subscribeset" line 77 at PERFORM

What does it means?
i have to run subscribe script from slave server?
Please help me. I use slony version 1-2.0.6.


Francesco Boccacci

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