Glyn Astill glynastill at
Wed Jun 8 07:52:55 PDT 2011

> From: Steve Singer <ssinger at>

>>  I know we now can't run wait for event in a try block, but what's
>>  changed and what am I doing wrong here?
> lock set does not generate an event in either 1.2.22 or 2.0.6
> What has changed between them is that if you 'wait for event' in 1.2 
> when no event then the 'wait for event' command is treated like a no-op, 
> it continues without waiting.  In 2.0 the 'wait for event' command 
> generates an error if you try to wait for an event that does not exist.

Ah, okay.  So there's no need to wait for event after lock set and before running move set then? 

I'm pretty sure that was the way I was advised (or read somewhere) to run move set back in the day.

Looking at the function I see it's going to have done its work by the time it returns anyway.

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