Claire Chang claire at
Fri Jul 29 11:31:16 PDT 2011

We have a slony cluster of 3 nodes running on postgres 8.3 and slony 1.2.15. We'd like to add a new slony node running on 8.4. When I tried to compile slony 1.2.15 against postgres 8.4, I got compilation errors. I guess the only choice I have is to upgrade slony to 1.2.22.

I read the update documentation. It seems like it is relative safe and easy to upgrade slony. Just need to update the slony binaries and run update functions.

Does any one successfully run a cluster of both 8.3 and 8.4 nodes?

Is 1.2.22 very stable? Any known issues?

And in the documentation

Run make install to install new Slony-I components on top of the old
If you build Slony-I on the same system on which it is to be deployed, and build from sources, overwriting the old with the new is as easy as make install. There is no need to restart a database backend; just to stop slon processes, run the UPDATE FUNCTIONS script, and start new slon processes.
Unfortunately, this approach requires having a build environment on the same host as the deployment. That may not be consistent with efforts to use common PostgreSQL and Slony-I binaries across a set of nodes.
Create a new PostgreSQL and Slony-I build
With this approach, the old PostgreSQL build with old Slony-I components persists after switching to a new PostgreSQL build with new Slony-I components. In order to switch to the new Slony-I build, you need to restart the PostgreSQL postmaster, therefore interrupting applications, in order to get it to be aware of the location of the new components.

I intended to choose the first method since it looks easier. What are the risks of doing the 1st method? And it says 

That may not be consistent with efforts to use common PostgreSQL and Slony-I binaries across a set of nodes

We don't use common PostgresSQL and Slony-I binaries across our nodes so I guess this doesn't apply to us. And it is impossible to do this when there are multiple versions of postgreSQL in the same cluster. Is my understanding correct?

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