Mike Wilson mfwilson at gmail.com
Thu Dec 29 13:22:00 PST 2011
For the "upgrade functions();" slonik function, where is the DDL for the actual upgrade called from?  Is it the slony1_funcs.sql file or is it compiled directly into slonik?

I'm having a problem upgrading my slony 2.0.7 cluster.  I've followed the instructions and have verified that the new version of Slony is installed (bins, lib, various SQL files) yet when I use the upgrade functions command in a slonik script I can see it is applying DDL from the 2.0.7 version.  I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure out where it is finding the old versions of these commands.  I figured if I knew where it was actually getting these commands from I could figure out my problems.  

Just in case you wondering, I've diff'd all of the Slony related SQL in the PG share directory with the versions in the Slony 2.1.0 directory.  They are indeed the binaries and lib from the 2.1.0 compile.  slonik -v returns "slonik version 2.1.0".  I've confirmed that the .so is identical to the version I compiled in the 2.1.0 directory.  And finally, I moved the old PG directory (with Slony 2.0.7) out of the way.  When I run the upgrade functions command though I still see it installing a function SlonyVersionPatchLevel where it is returning 7 for 2.0.7 instead of 0 for 2.1.0.  The upgrade functions commands also doesn't return any errors (return val 0), but when I attempt to run slon it complains that the schema is from a previous version 2.0.7.  I can't figure out where the upgrade functions command is finding the Slony 2.0.7 DDL instead of the 2.1.0 version. 

Is this upgrade DDL compiled into the slonik binary or does it reference it somehow on the file system?  Could how I compile it be telling it to look somewhere outside the PG installation directory?

Mike Wilson
Predicate Logic
Cell: (310) 600-8777
SkypeID: lycovian

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