francescoboccacci at francescoboccacci at
Mon Dec 12 03:10:49 PST 2011

I had a problem with Slony and I was wondering how I can solve it.

Please let me know your point of view.


I have a master database in one server and a slave database on a different 

Unfortunately I found that the replica is not working. I checked the logs and 
I found the following:


Master log:

2011-11-30 15:01:20 UCTFATAL  cleanupThread: "select "_sql_cluster_grade1".
cleanupEvent('10 minutes'::interval, 'false'::boolean); " - FATAL:  terminating 
connection due to administrator command

server closed the connection unexpectedly

        This probably means the server terminated abnormally

        before or while processing the request.


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