Steve Singer ssinger at
Thu Dec 8 12:16:30 PST 2011
On 11-12-08 01:16 AM, Jonathon Soong wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm new to the list and have setup Slony from Australia to Hong Kong
> over a VPN - it is not a super fast link.
> I have done this on one database with around 5 million rows and it was
> fine - took about 30 minutes to sync up.
> However with another database that has 90 million+ rows, i'm running
> into trouble (I did remove indices first)
> The initial sync seems to be taking too long (15 hours+ when I stopped it).
> I was wondering how I monitor if anything is actually happening???:
> 1. I can see on the origin node, that a COPY seems to be occurring -
> */can anyone tell me if this is correct?/*
> 16083 postgres 20 0 212m 7876 5480 S 1.7 0.0 0:10.12 postgres: postgres
> mydatabase::1(39599) COPY
> 2. I can see on the slave node when I query sl_status that:
> - st_last_event is *NOT CHANGING*
> - st_last_event_ts is *NOT CHANGING*
> - st_last_received is *NOT CHANGING*
> - st_last_received_ts is *NOT CHANGING
> *- st_last_received_event_ts is *NOT CHANGING
> * - st_lag_num_events is *NOT CHANGING*
> - st_lag_time is increasing (around 18 hours)
> Are these values expected or should some of them be increasing?

While Slony is in the middle of a COPY operation it does so in a single 
transaction so you should not expect to see the event confirmation 
times/events change until the copy operation is complete.

> 3. The logs on the slave showed this when I started slony, I presume
> this is correct:
> NOTICE: truncate of "public"."my_table" succeeded

This is normal.  Each time a new table is started you should see that.

> 4. The logs on the slave now show this repeatedly:
> 2011-12-08 05:48:47 UTCDEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue event
> 1,5000001502 SYNC
> 2011-12-08 05:48:47 UTCDEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue event
> 1,5000001503 SYNC
> 2011-12-08 05:48:47 UTCDEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue event
> 1,5000001504 SYNC

These are unrelated to your copy but are normal.

> 5. sl_log_1 and sl_log_2 are empty on both the master and slave – am I
> right in presuming these are only used when things change on an origin
> node and that they are not used for initial syncs?

a copy/initial subscription will not insert any rows into sl_log_1 or 
sl_log_2 on the slave.

> What I would *LOVE*, is the ability to see what is happening. e.g.
> "10,000 rows copied, 89 million to go", type logs.
> I can't do a select on the slave node as that seems to just hang forever.
> Any help on what to do would be most appreciated.
> Note: slony 2.0.7

Slony does not log any progress information as it loops through tuples 
during a COPY for an initial subscribe set.  You should see disk usage 
on your slave go up, and maybe relpages in pg_class for your table or 
the counts in pg_stat_activity.

you should be able to verify that progress is being made though it isn't 
clear to me how you can use that to get a % complete for your table

> Thanks
> Jon
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