Steve Singer ssinger at
Tue Aug 23 11:39:28 PDT 2011
On 11-08-22 11:23 AM, Frank McGeough wrote:
> Postgres 8.4
> Slony 1.2.20
> I have a table that is not replicated. This table has a foreign key constraint to a table that is replicated. It appears that Slony modified the constraint so that it is not possible to drop the constraint. I get an error that says "error xyz is an index" where xyz is the name of the primary key on the table that is replicated.
> My questions are :
> * how would one go about dropping a foreign key constraint for this non-replicated table if Slony has modified it

The EXECUTE SCRIPT slonik command in 1.2.x will bring your database 
catalog into the 'unmunged' state, run the SQL script then restore it to 
the munged slony slave state.

Slony 2.0.x avoids having to munge the catalog like this.

> * where can I see the modifications to the Postgres catalog (some hints on where to look)
> * what would happen if I added the table that is not replicated to the replication set? Would Slony add it without problems? I ask because I was a bit surprised that the non-replicated table was modified in this way and wonder if adding the table to replication would just compound problems.
> Thanks.
> Frank
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